Restore the aesthetic beauty of your roof

Our team are highly trained and experienced in cleaning roofs and have regular clients across West & East Sussex.

Water-fed pole system

Water-fed pole system

Our advanced water-fed pole system allows us to expertly clean roofs from ground level without the need of more expensive method such as ladders and cherry pickers.

Extend the life of your roof

Extend the life of your roof

Keeping your roof tiles free of moss and debris is essential to reduce the risk of cracked & dislodged tiles from the freeze & thaw process.

Deep clean

Deep clean

Our specialist cleaning brushes ensures your roof is fully restored and left sparking clean with all dirt, moss, algae and bird droppings removed.

How we do it

We use specialist brushes connected to an extendable, lightweight water-fed pole system to ensure that every part of your roof can be cleaned thoroughly from ground level.

  • Water-fed pole system
    Water-fed pole system is more efficient and cost effective than traditional cleaning methods that required ladders or cherry pickers.

  • Expert clean
    Our equipment and biocidal wash will remove all traces of moss, algae and stains.

  • Soft wash roof cleaning
    Controlled spraying of a biocidal wash that cleans deep removing stains, algae, moulds and moss.

  • Improve the roof longevity
    Roof tiles can become damaged from moss growth, keeping clear of moss, debris and algae will prevent damage from elements and keep the roof structure water tight.